Shaking salt and shining light are to be done simultaneously. The salt is needed to add spice to where your light is meant to shine. Good works are actions that God has commanded, and we need to be sure that we have prayed about what we should be doing.
Have you ever been in a situation where you said that person lacks Integrity? My dad taught me many things as a child when going to job sites with him at 5 years old, but the education continued through his 93 years.
How often do you hear the word Integrity? It is not a word people spend much time thinking about. How do we define it? Integrity is “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.”
Do you have too many distractions in your life? I know exactly how you feel and know that we can improve if we have the right tools.
Most people have a GPS on their phone or in their car; for me a GPS is God’s Positioning System. For the first 30 years in business my prayer focus was God please bless what I am doing.
My life has been a journey of self-discovery and continuous improvement. It took me many years and a lot of wasted efforts to realize that my only real priority was to pursue what God had intended for me – not someone else.
If you are stuck and not making progress on your priority – keep going. You may think you are wasting time, possibly failing at something again but never give up.
Peter Drucker once said, “There is no success without a successor.” So many people don’t have a successor, but it’s arguably one of the most important things any business leader can plan. I am blessed to say that my son, Jeremy, is more than just a successor. He is a faithful, qualified, and committed business …
I am constantly looking for resources that help me grow and better steward leaders as they rediscover their purpose and find joy in life. Below are the five best books I recommend to Christian business leaders. I hope they help you as you seek to reflect His reflection through your life’s work. Integrity: The Courage to …
What are your priorities? Do they matter to you? I’ll never forget a watershed question my mentor asked me once. He said, “Jerry, are you treating your wife better than your best client?”