Weathering the Storm

Let me encourage you, friend; you can find peace and joy in knowing that seasons of waiting will prove fruitful and will not last forever. 

A few years ago, my wife, Carol, and I visited Jackson Hole, Wyoming, with our construction peer group. After several days of meetings, we decided to drive through the breathtaking countryside and take in the sights. As we drove, I noticed bison along the roads and was quickly fascinated by these creatures. Approaching the next herd, I pulled over to take a closer look. I did everything I could to scare them into motion but to no avail. After taking a few pictures, I realized these giant creatures now blocking the road weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. 

As Carol laughed at my antics (yelling and jumping) and ultimate failure in moving the bison, storm clouds moved in, and the rain began to pour. What happened next was fascinating and stayed with me long after that day. A group of cows came into sight, and it became apparent they were running away from the coming storm. The bison, on the other hand, remained stationary.

As the rain came down harder and we retreated to the safety of our car, the cows ran frantically from the rain, thunder, and lightning, seemingly unaware of the bison. But the bison remained rooted to their spots. I did not anticipate that the bison would do the exact opposite of the cows. Of all things, the bison turned and began moving toward the storm. 

It was an “ah-ha” moment for me. I quickly realized that as the cows were running from the storm, they would end up struggling to escape it and get caught in it until it passed. The bison, heading into the storm, would be in it for a much shorter time.

We’ll put fences around our houses but won’tFortunately, if we learn to appreciate the waiting, we’ll realize the storms and trials grow us, build our character, and redirect us toward our life’s calling. take the time to put a fence around our lives.

I’m not claiming that the trials, heartaches, or circumstances we face are good. There is certainly evil present in our modern world, but I know everything will work together for our good. 

Let’s take a page out of the bison’s playbook and press into our season of waiting, allowing whatever storms we face to refine us and grow our faith that good things are coming. Remember, friend, you will never know how many people you can impact if you’re constantly running from the storms that are so important in shaping us! 

Seeking to live in His reflection,


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