Is Your Location Helping or Hindering? – Part 2

Where do you want to be in life? What do you hope to achieve? These questions are as practical as they are philosophical, much like selecting a location for a home or business. The environment you choose can shape your future. Just as a business thrives or fails based on location, so do our lives. Here’s how selecting the right “location” for your personal growth parallels choosing a place for a business.

Growth Potential: Will You Thrive or Decline? In business, one of the first things to consider is whether the area shows growth potential. Similarly, your personal development depends on your environment. Are you in a place that encourages you to grow, or are you stuck in a situation that holds you back?

If your surroundings don’t challenge or inspire you, it may be time to make a change. Growth happens in fertile environments, so seek out opportunities and relationships that stretch your potential.

“I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen.”


Target Market: Who Are You Surrounding Yourself With? Businesses succeed when they’re near their target market. In life, your “target market” includes the people you interact with regularly, your friends, family, and colleagues. Are they pushing you to grow, or are they pulling you down?

Like a business in a shrinking market, your success can be limited by the people around you. Surround yourself with those who encourage growth, provide support, and challenge you to reach higher. The right relationships are crucial for achieving your goals.

He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” 

– King Solomon

Counting the Costs: Are You Prepared for the Journey? Before building a business, you must count the cost. The same applies to life goals. What will it take to achieve what you desire? What sacrifices will be required—time, energy, resources? Often, we get excited about reaching a goal without fully understanding the price we’ll have to pay.

Take a hard look at what’s required to get where you want to go. Success often involves long hours, facing setbacks, and making sacrifices. Be sure you’re prepared for the journey before you start.

Survey the Location: Know Your Boundaries: In real estate, you survey the land to understand the property’s boundaries and potential restrictions. Similarly, in life, you need to understand what limits or obstacles exist in your current situation. Are there boundaries—physical, emotional, or relational—that you need to respect or overcome?

Evaluate your current position. Are there habits, relationships, or circumstances that could restrict your growth? Understanding these boundaries will help you navigate around them, just as a business owner would avoid issues by thoroughly surveying their land.

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”

– King Solomon

Protect the Boundaries: What Stays In, What Stays Out? Once a location is chosen, it’s important to protect the boundaries. In life, this means setting up clear boundaries around your time, focus, and energy. Are you allowing distractions, negativity, or fear to invade your personal space?

Like a fence protecting property, boundaries in your life safeguard your goals. Be intentional about what you allow in and what you keep out. The influences you let into your life can either support or hinder your progress, so make sure they align with your vision.

The Time to Choose Your Location is Now: Just as selecting the right location for a home or business is crucial for success, so is choosing the right environment for your life. Are you in a place that fosters growth, surrounded by the right people, and prepared for the challenges ahead? Success doesn’t come by chance, it’s the result of careful planning and intentional choices.

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Now is the time to assess your “location.” Ensure it’s a place where you can thrive, grow, and build the future you desire. Choose wisely, and success will follow.


Business Leadership

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